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Cheap Gun Cleaning Brushes Picks Kit Set For Sale Toronto

2 Anni 5 Mesi fa #92260 da xiaoshuiguai
Cheap Gun Cleaning Brushes Picks Kit Set For Sale Toronto Tob outdoors shop sell Cheap Gun Cleaning Brushes Picks Kit Set,gun cleaner,gun cases,gun sling,shooting target,hunting bag, Hunting Gear Canada .

different material brushes from soft to hard (Nylon, Brass, Steel),protect and brush off the dust or dirt clearly on your firearms .

Cheap Hunting Gear Canada

The stainless steel pick helps to clean stubborn areas on your firearm. The plastic pick is perfect for light cleaning and prevent scratching.

soft gun case canada

Larger end(0.71'' high) for bigger areas,small tip(0.51'' high) to get into narrow areas.

splatter targets canada

General all-purpose cleaning kit for anyone whom looking for tools to work on and clean their guns or metal work.The brushs can be other use that requires a brushes, such as carburetors, cars etc.

tob outdoors shop sitemap

I give 4 stars as the brass brush small end is wearing out already, HOWEVER, really the value to cost ratio is great. The picks are worth way more than the cost of the set everything else is just “free”.

Case zipper is a bit flimsy but holds everything in its proper place.

It’s worth it for the money. The picks are very useful for cleaning. The bristles on the 2 metal brushes were bent when I received it, but this was surely the fault of the shipping and handling rather than the product manufacturer. Not a big deal

Very nice kit, good price. Pretty good case comes with it also. I like the different tips on the picks And the brushes are sturdy. Used to clean a 22, 9 mm an AR 15.

Nice kit great for getting in the small spots, would recommend this product and seller.

Great and a pack to keep together.

Great value.

Works perfectly. Sleek and fits easily in my range bag.

Very nice little kit. Sturdy enough. Would purchase again.

good stuff guys, used almost all of it already. good price, good products.

Only used the groove sharper for cleaning the club.
Did a good job, better than using a steel brush.

Great combo for keeping your gun clean. Decided to go with this product thanks to its package to keep all the tools nice and tidy. Soft metals without scratching your gun. Highly recommended item.

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2 Anni 3 Mesi fa #123919 da Nishaknapp02
I acknowledge accomplishments and recognize your work here. Keep it up. 메이저추천

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