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cheap shotgun sling for sale Toronto

2 Anni 6 Mesi fa #85493 da xiaoshuiguai
cheap shotgun sling for sale Toronto tob outdoors shop sell cheap shotgun sling,gun cases,gun shooting targets,target stands,gun cleaning kits, Hunting Gear For Sale .

Fully Adjustable from 36" to 47"

Swivels for Standard Swivel Mounts and Loop Connection Clip

Gun Cleaning Kit Canada

Great for Rifles, Shotguns, and even Crossbows

Multiple Color Options Available

gun sling Canada

550 Paracord with Many Survival Uses

I purchased this for my Mossberg Shockwave; which goes with me into the pasture when running fence lines to dispatch predators and pesky rattlesnakes. This not only fit perfectly, it is comfortable to carry.

Shotgun Ammo Holders For Sale

This is my 2nd one of these (other was olive/black) and they perform well for the money. The complains about being to short (I'm 5'10") I don't get that at all. Unless I want the butt of my rifle dragging the ground, I was always taught to carry tight and high with your rifle. To each their own I suppose. Also that the swivels, I've yet to see any studs they didn't fit, Mossberg, Remington, Ruger, and now a Savage. Will be getting more soon.

tob outdoors shop sitemap

After purchasing one of these slings for my Marlin .30-06, I really liked the design and functionality. I bought two more (one for a Ruger .308 and another for my Marlin 1895GBL .45-70. With integral sling swivels, extremely quiet design, and minimal weight, these slings a perfect. I carry my rifles in a muzzle-down configuration and the sling rides the shoulder perfectly. Being constructed of an emergency supply of paracord is an added bonus. The color options are excellent, covering most any terrain combination. I matched the laminate stock on my 1895 Guide gun perfectly with the black/gray pattern.

I needed a sling for my Remington 870 Express Magnum. I didn't want to spend a lot of money because it's nothing fancy; just a utility shotgun. The tan paracord looks great. It's simple, strong, and adds a little character to the firearm. Once I adjusted it to fit, I knew it was going to work just fine for me.

Right out of the box I knew this sling was worth the purchase. It is very well constructed and looks good too. I bought it to put on a 10/22 in similar color and it looks good. The length is perfect and it is easy to adjust. The swivels are nice work well and seem to be quiet enough to not squeak or clank around.

This is the third time I've bought this exact sling because I keep giving them to buddies who like it. It fits my Nova perfect with supplied hardware.

Really great product. You may find that the clips that this sling comes with may not fit into the sling studs in your firearm like mine. I just decided to not attach the clips and instead the other piece fit just fine into the studs. You’ll understand.

Easy install on mossberg 500, 20 guage. Comes with everything you need. You can adjust the strap to make longer than in my picture.

Went out for deer season this year with a new rifle and no sling. Sounded like a good idea at the time? After a couple days of lugging a rifle around from dawn to dusk...

Hooked this up to my Ruger American Predator (.308) in about 15 seconds. Wish I had done it earlier.

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