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Cheap TOB Black Grey Rifle Shotgun Case for sale online Toronto

2 Anni 7 Mesi fa #72939 da xiaoshuiguai
Cheap TOB Black Grey Rifle Shotgun Case for sale online Toronto TOB outdoors online shop sell hunting gear,Shotgun Case,Rifle Case,shooting targers,gun case,gun sling,target stand,gun cleaner.

Hunting Gear For Sale Ontario


Made of durable 600D polyester with foam

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Carrying handle with pad and adjustable shoulder strap

Full length heavy duty zip, hang loop design, D ring for locking

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Padded interior to protect shotgun, secure your weapon for storage or transportation

A small pocket inside to avoid the gun stock running off

Fits most of shotguns, supports o/u 12 bore, Beretta Silver Pigeon, lanber o/u ect.

Lightweight yet heavy duty carrying

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Elegant design with good workmanship

A dark color will not dirty too easily.

I got the 46" rifle case. It fits my 24" barrel Savage 110 Tactical w/ Athlon Argos BTR 6-24x50mm on medium height rings. My rifle measures just under 44" and this case gives some room on either ends.

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Won't fit with a 6-9" height bipod attached to the rifle, but the bipod will fit in the rear pocket where the stock would be. The 10-rd AICS magazine fits in the very front pocket.

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The mesh pocket will probably rip the first time it snags on something, but everything else seems sturdy. Padding is good enough for a soft case, but definitely won't give you the protection of a hard case.

I wanted a soft case with a sling to free up my hand, fit my rifle, pocket(s) for accessories, and affordable. This one meets all.

I bought this case for a long shotgun. My only complaint is the storage compartments. Man oh man, they are tight and small zippered compartments. I can barely put anything in the zippered pockets without putting stress on the zippers. I do love the case though, and feel it is a very good value. I have to say, I wish it had a little heavier grade zipper, for the main zipper, but I guess I will just zip it carefully. The zipper seems okay, just wish it was heavier duty is all. Only time will tell on durability, but so far it works great and I enjoy it. I use it at least twice a week, so I am a frequent user.

I had previously purchased the Allen Trappers Peak case which fit my 28" Beretta A300 (48" total length) perfect, but when I upgraded to a 28" Benelli Montefeltro Silver (49.5" total length) the case was too small even though the description said it could fit up to 52". This case (Daytona) also says 52" but my Montefeltro fits perfectly. For a few extra bucks, if you're trying to decide between the 2 Allen cases, I'd take this one. Not only is it bigger, it also has a shoulder strap that the Trappers Peak is lacking.

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