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Gold Bracelets - A Buyers Guide

1 Anno 5 Mesi fa #210164 da kujhy
There are many different types of gold bracelets on the market today and different styles suit different people, so any buying guide needs to inform the consumer 22ct gold about as many types as possible. Whether you are into the latest fashion 'must haves' in the shape of fine jewellery lovelinks bracelets, more traditional ornate styles or the more simple gold bangles, you will be spoilt for choice both in independent jewellers shops and in the bigger chain stores.

Gold Bangle Bracelets

Gold bangle bracelets though very understated in design can show a sense of style and class purely by the reflectiveness of the gold itself catching the light as you move. There are more stylised bangles on the market however that cater for those who like to get people's attention in the street or when they're out for the evening. Stylised bangle bracelets range from simple designs, to enamelled shapes being incorporated into the bangle surround or even gold snake shaped bangles which appear as though a snake has wrapped itself around your wrist. Not a style that would appeal to everyone, but certainly eye-catching.

Gold bangles come in two main types, solid gold and hollow gold. The advantages of solid gold bangles, is that they are less likely to dent or deform than hollow bangles, however they are more expensive as you are getting more gold essentially. Plus solid gold bangle bracelets are harder wearing which means they'll last longer 22ct gold bracelets and can be handed down through the generations.

Gold bracelet bangles are a versatile item of jewellery which will compliment a wide range of fashions and suit any occasion whether you are attending a dinner party, birthday or going on a date they will always look classy.

Lovelink Gold Bracelets

If you are buying for the younger generation or for someone who likes to change their look on a regular basis, then you may wish to opt for lovelinks gold bracelets as they allow the wearer to become a jewellery designer themselves. They are basically bracelets with beads which are inter-changeable and the wearer can really put their own touch on the design by adding silver, gold beads and even other types of gold jewellery along the bracelet. Different lengths of bracelet leather are available so you can style yours to be tight around your wrist or loose with more beads. Jewellers even sell beads which have names engraved onto them, so you could have your partners name featured in your lovelinks bracelet.

For more detail to visit our website >>>>

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