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TF Blade – number one in North America

2 Anni 5 Mesi fa - 2 Anni 5 Mesi fa #102105 da divna
TF Blade – number one in North America
Earnings on streams.
Listing all the conceivable and unimaginable advantages of streams, it is worth saying that this is not only a great way to express yourself and spend time with virtual friends, but also an option to earn money. At the same time, the income level will also depend on several factors: the charisma of the streamer himself, his eloquence, ability to communicate, sense of humor. All these points directly affect both the quality of video content and the popularity of a single streamer. Some of them easily manage to transfer their favorite hobby into the category of professional activity and change their workplace in a stuffy office to a cozy sofa at home.
TF Blade – number one in North America
How can a streamer make money on their content?
His income consists of a number of dotted lines:
paid subscription,
And now about everything in order. The ad blocks that pop up during the live broadcast, of course, bring a penny to the streamer's treasury. However, its size depends on the number of clicks on the ad or the number of views. It is on this principle of payment that the most famous streaming services work.
A percentage of a paid subscription can make up a considerable share of the total revenue. Especially if the streamer enjoys the sympathy of his audience. The most popular Russian streamers, according to information on the Internet, earn up to $ 500 per month on a paid subscription. For a fee, your idol, for example, can tell a poem at the request of the viewer during the broadcast or put his favorite song.
A solid part of the earnings from the stream comes from donations - voluntary donations from users. Their size sometimes does not depend on the number of viewers, but is directly related to their ability to pay. Streamers often organize voluntary fees for the purchase of additional equipment, which will make live broadcasts even more vivid and memorable.

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