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Attention economy and paper packaging

9 Mesi 4 Settimane fa #211885 da bowlwholesaler
Attention economy refers to the economic model that maximizes the attention of users or consumers, and cultivates potential consumer groups in order to obtain the greatest future business benefits. disposable coffee cups with handles In this economic state, the most important resource is the attention of the public, and by attracting the attention of the public, it is possible to make them become consumers. In the shopping process of consumers, the material and design of paper packaging is a movable billboard that intuitively shows the brand concept and characteristics to the public. ps lid wholesale In this case, paper packaging has become an important aspect of the attention economy.

Pay for appearance
For the attention economy, one of the important means is visual competition. Like a movie poster, there are subtle hints and almost unconscious expectations in the choice and layout of the content. wholesale salad kraft paper bowl Many customers may fall in love with the design of paper packaging at first sight, prompting them to take the initiative to learn about brands and products, and even willing to pay for the appearance of paper packaging. ice cream cup manufacturers Through creative design, such as the continuity of design, the artistic sense of color matching, etc., paper packaging can fully display the aesthetic functions related to the brand, which can make it uniquely attractive.
Social media conformity

The continuous development of social media has changed the way people pay attention to brands. The attention economy’s information overload has not dulled youngsters’ senses but appears to have made them hypersensitive.Some people will follow the crowd in order to seek reliability. When they see a paper packaging with a brand logo in a photo posted by a familiar friend or a well-known person on a social media platform, it can make them curious about the brand and make them willing to try the brand products. Therefore, adding a brand’s logo to a paper packaging is an indispensable way to grab the attention of the masses.
Daily needs

In the process of shopping, people pay more and more attention to products related to their living habits. compostable ice cream spoons wholesale Re-examining the design style of paper packaging in the food industry, and reorganizing the information levels to highlighting the packaging design of low-calorie healthy elements can better capture the attention of fitness crowd. Sustainability is catching up to aesthetics in the packaging design race. People are more and more concerned about environmental protection issues. Demonstrating the environmental protection of paper packaging, such as being made of 100% recyclable materials and biodegradable, can win the favor of environmentalists. 7oz handle paper cup If you want to seize the attention economy and improve the packaging effect of your brand, you can contact Hydepackage, which specializes in providing customized and environmentally friendly paper packaging. Hydepackage has been fulfilling thousands of orders worldwide efficiently and on time for over a decade, and we welcome inquiries from all over the world.

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