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The Denver Broncos may be without safety Rahim

1 Anno 4 Mesi fa #210874 da Sagelucy
The third-year wide receiver was enjoying a stellar 2013. however his production has started to drop significantly the past two weeks, with the new quarterback Jason Campbell targeting Cameron just 18 times in the last three games. Cameron, who had 45 catches that totaled 515 yards and six touchdowns through the first seven games in the season, has managed just seven catches and 33 yards the last two games.

Cameron, who had been emerging as a big-play threat for the offensively-challenged Browns this season, says that defenses are rolling coverage his way and are now limiting his effectiveness downfield. The rookie receiver believes that it's his job to try harder and beat the coverage and that he's not worried about his relationship with the starting quarterback.

"I do not believe that it's Jason even remotely Cameron said. Cameron stated. "They're in the way of you crossing the line and then somebody hitting you on the second level. It's more difficult chemistry with the route. The timing could be off."

In This Stream Steelers vs. Browns 2013. Week 12 live coverage, scores, updates, and more Brandon Weeden is backand as bad as always. Browns WR Cameron Do not blame Jason Campbell Browns vs. Steelers odds. See all 11 storiesRahim Moore injury: Broncos DB has emergency surgery

The Denver Broncos may be without safety Rahim Moore for the remainder of the season as the defensive back who was in his third season underwent emergency surgery on Monday shortly after being diagnosed with an lateral compartment disorder in his lower left leg, according to Joan Niesen and Mike Klis of The Denver Post.

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