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Bucs Tom Brady goes over 100000 yards pa

1 Anno 4 Mesi fa #210486 da lovelystyle
Bucs' Tom Brady goes over 100,000 yards pa sing for career November 6 TAMPA, Fla. (AP) Tom Brady became the first player in NFL history to throw for more than 100,000 yards, surpa sing the milestone on a 15-yard completion to Leonard Fournette during the fourth quarter of Sundays game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Los Angeles Rams.The leagues career pa sing leader entered the matchup of the past two Super Bowl champions needing 164 yards to reach a plateau the 45-year-old quarterback concedes no one would have imagined po sible for him to achieve when he entered the NFL as a sixth-round draft pick in 2000.Brady, who has won Justin Turner Jersey seven Super Bowls and owns nearly every meaningful league pa sing record, went over 100,000 yards in his 374th career game, including the playoffs.For me, its a credit to all the guys that Ive played with, who have blocked for me, have caught pa ses. ... I cant do (anything) in this league without guys doing what theyre amazing at, too, Brady said last Thursday.Theyre Matt Kemp Jersey great achievements, he added. But as much as people want to say: Oh, this is what Tom Brady did. In my mind, this is what myself and all these other people that have contributed to my life have done as well.___AP NFL: hub/nfl and AP_NFL in this topic Tom Brady Tampa Bay Buccaneers National Football League Tampa Bay Buccaneers Los Angeles Rams Spain or Morocco? World Cup pa sions blur in Spanish exclave The World Cup knockout game between Spain and Morocco will bring millions of fans on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar together around screens in bars and living rooms to see w... 43 MINS AGO ASSOCIATED PRESS Believe the hype, Bellingham is lighting up the World Cup Jordan Henderson knew exactly who to thank after opening the scoring in Englands 3-0 win against Senegal 1 HOUR AGO ASSOCIATED PRESS Mbapp is bringing soccer to a new dimension at World Cup Cristiano Ronaldos precision 1 HOUR AGO ASSOCIATED PRESS Poland finds its true level at World Cup, beaten by the best Poland heads home from the World Cup as the latest team unable to resist an inspired Kylian Mbapp 1 HOUR AGO Los Angeles Dodgers ASSOCIATED PRESS World Cup fans find booze at hotels, Qatar's 1 liquor store Qatar's strict rules regarding alcohol have drawn attention as it hosts the World Cup 3 HOURS AGO ASSOCIATED PRESS

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