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Bill Cowher Offers Praise for Jalen Hurt

1 Anno 4 Mesi fa #210485 da lovelystyle
The Eagles are off on Sunday with a bye in Week 7, but that didnt stop one pregame show from talking about them.More specifically, about Jalen Hurts, who rang the bell prior to Saturday nights Sixer game, though it didnt help the Sixers as they fell to 0-3.The Eagles quarterback was praised by former coach and NFL on CBS analyst Bill Cowher on 'That Other Pregame Show' on CBS Sports Network when Bill Cowher spoke Ozzie Smith Jersey about Hurts.Cowher spoke about something Hurts coaches and teammates have long talked about the intangible of leadership.The biggest thing is you see him after a game and downplaying these victories, hes a leader, said Cowher. Hes a leader in the locker room, a guy you look up to and you know that hes probably the first one in and the last one to leave. He keeps everything in perspective and hes making sure we stay focused on Rickey Henderson Jersey the prize and dont get caught up with the emotional rollercoaster (of) succe s and failure. He epitomizes that to a tee. Ive been so impre sed with Jalen Hurts with not what hes done on the field but more importantly the me saging that has taken place after games and even before games. 'Scroll to ContinueIts been a long time since Cowher coached the Pittsburgh Steelers. His final year was 2006, but its interesting to note that Pittsburgh could have had Hurts in the 2020 draft.It was clear by then that Ben Roethlisbergers days were winding down. The QB had turned 38 prior to that draft and was coming back from an injury the previous season that saw him play in just two games.Instead of trying to find an eventual replacement, the Steelers chose a receiver from Notre Dame, Chase Claypool, with the 49th overall pick Allen Craig Jersey .Imagine where the Steelers might be now had they taken Hurts four picks before the Eagles grabbed him at No. 53.Pittsburgh will see him up close in Week 8 when they visit Lincoln Financial Field for a 1 p.m. game.READ MORE

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