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Answering Your Las Vegas Raiders Questio

1 Anno 4 Mesi fa #210479 da lovelystyle
HENDERSON, Nev.--The Las Vegas Raiders have one of the most pa sionate fan bases in all of the profe sional sports.Each week we endeavor to answer the emails and questions that you send us. So let's get right at this week's mailbag:Hondo, I love your work, man. I read this week that Mark Davis is not firing Josh McDaniels and Dave Ziegler because he is broke. Is Mark Davis and the Raiders broke? --Thanks, man, Kyle T.He isn't firing Josh McDaniels and Dave Ziegler because Mark Davis craves stability. Mark Davis understands what McDaniels and Ziegler are doing to make this franchise a sustainable winner. As far as the report of him being broke, according to an NFL source close Alex Verdugo Jersey to Davis: "That is complete bullshit. It is laughable, but I bet it got a lot of clicks."The source added:, "This isn't the Oakland Raiders, and these are the Las Vegas Raiders. He made a move because he does have plenty of dough now."I got many emails regarding my article about Mark Davis. I will publish one:Hondo, your Mark Davis is precisely why I love your work. You called him to task, but I didn't get any hint that you disliked him. I think you do like him. You defended McDaniels and Dave Ziegler but never made it personal. That was outstanding journalism. I do like Mark Davis, and I respect him.Hondo, I read another beat writer who . Great reporting. Hear there was a post-game brawl in the locker room. Is there any truth to that? --Nicholas M.Thank you for remembering that reporting on Waller. Guys in this room are frustrated; that is for sure. A "brawl" in the locker room is entirely false. Was it loud, fiery, and emotional? For sure, but there were no punches, and according to more than one person: "Absolutely not a brawl." One person even said: "Tell the person who emailed that, whoever told him it was a brawl is a liar." I have done this for decades, and I can tell you that locker rooms are e sentially family rooms. Do families argue? For sure, do they disagree? No doubt. All locker rooms have what happened Sunday, but it only gets out in losing locker rooms.Here are three emails that e sentially say the same thing nearly 100 of you said:Hondo, I love your writing and thinking. Let's say Davis stays with Josh. At the end of the year, there will be a fire sale. It's pretty apparent that Josh does not do very well trying to adjust his offense to the personnel. I can see Josh not going above .500 for two more years: we are now at the end of the 2024 season. Davis has to fire Josh. It's not going to get better, Hondo, his play calling is abysmal, and "culture" change, if that's the plan, takes time. Josh is coach new scheme. Two more years. It's now the end of the 2026 season. Raiders have been under .500 for five seasons in a row. It's going to happen this way if Davis stays this course. --Michael B.Hondo, I love the Raiders; they don't love me. I know you support McDaniels and Ziegler, but we are in trouble of becoming the Lions.Davis has to make a change. --Pat P.Hondo, I love you, love the Raiders, and I am sure McZiegler are great guys. This is not going to work, and we will be back here next season. --Dean T.Scroll to ContinueHey Hondo, I heard you asked a great question to Josh McDaniels about Mark Davis saying this team was not rebuilding. What did you ask, and what was his answer? Sorry I mi sed it. --Kate B.Hondo S. Carpenter, Sr.: When you got hired, Mark Davis said it's Albert Pujols Jersey not a rebuild, and we're going to go to the next level. You've lost seven of nine with a coach who never coached in the pros and a play caller that never called a play. Where is the franchise right now? Where would you say it is?Coach McDaniels: "We are building. I have never used the word 'rebuilding,' or anything like that. It's the National Football League, there's not five years to do that. So, we know that. I think there's a proce s that we're trying to go through. Certainly, slower, and more painful than anybody wants it to be. We share the same sentiment, but it is what it is. When you go through change, there's some things that you're going to see initially, and there's some things that you're going to see over time. And when you have enough opportunity to make those evaluations and then try to get it right eventually, that's the opportunity that you're hoping for. We can control what we can control going forward. Like I said, I have no i sue with where our effort is, or our intentions. Certainly, the results are not what anybody wants them to be. But we're going to continue to build and try to do the right thing as we evaluate it going forward. And that's all of us, I know that. I'm not going to stand up here and addre s that every single week. But we all know we're evaluated on what we do and it's a production-based busine s."Carr's post-game pre ser was very emotional, and his love of the Raiders and this game is evident, making me wonder about Chandler Jones. He plays like a guy who is just putting in his time. Just "punching his time card" and playing not to get hurt. What is your opinion of Jones' play and effort? --Thanks again, John S.I have not been impre sed.Hondo, do you think that if this Raider team still had last year's coaches, they would be this bad? I know you're a McDaniels fan, and he might be a nice guy, but some OCs don't have it to be a head coach. --Jaime V.I like Josh, I respect Josh, and I think he is an excellent person and coach. That is truthful, I am not a fan, and that is not my job. I call them as I see them.I am troubled by some in the media Russell Martin Jersey who are re-writing the 2021 season as if it was fool's gold.That team won 10 games. They were the fifth seed in the AFC playoffs, and last season they weren't calling it a hoax. Should the Raiders return their playoff money?You can say all you want about close wins, but the Raiders aren't winning them this year. Josh McDaniels said today: "I mean, clearly, we could've done a handful of things better, and we would be talking about a completely different record at this point. But that's true for all the teams, and I don't think anybody's out there winning every game by 21 points. And so, you take a handful of plays from their games and switch it."I have no idea if last year's coaches would have won this year, but I can say this. I never saw a discombobulated performance last year like I have this year. I am not saying 2021 was void of poor performances, I am saying I didn't see discombobulation.Hey Hondo, With the heat around the coaching staff, and the lackluster play on the field, do you believe that the plan (currently) is to cut Carr and draft a new QB early in the draft next year? No dead cap to worry about, and it would buy McDaniels another year. --Michael F.

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