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Rangers History Today Kenny Rogers Induc

1 Anno 4 Mesi fa #210477 da lovelystyle
On this date in Texas Rangers history, the team inducted its seventh cla s into the Texas Rangers Hall of Fame.On August 6, 2011, the Rangers added the perfect pitcher to their Hall of Fame Kenny Rogers.Rogers was a long-shot for the Major Leagues. He was selected in the 39th round of the 1982 MLB Draft and received $1,000 from the Rangers to sign. Against those odds, hemade his Major League debut in 1989 andcarved out a 20-year career in Major League Baseball. But his best-known moment was the first (and only) perfect game in Rangers history, coming on July 28, 1994 at Globe Life Park in Arlington.By then, Rogers was Erick Aybar Jersey the ace of the staff, known for the 11-to-5 breaking action on his steady left-handed cutter. But after 1995, he left the organization for the free agency riches of the New York Yankees. While his time in the Bronx earned him a World Series ring, he was always at his best when he threw for the Rangers. He returned to the Rangers from 2000-02, and again from 2004-05. He ended his Rangers career with a record of 133-96, with a 4.16 ERA and 1,201 strikeouts. His best season came in 2004 at age 39, when he went 18-9, earning him an All-Star Game appearance and a Gold Glove. Two years later, at age 41, Rogers went 17-8 for the Tigers and finished fifth in American League Cy Young voting, the only time Rogers finished in the top five. Also on this date Scroll to ContinueAug. 6, 1992: Rangers pitcher Nolan Ryan is ejected for the only time in his career. Ryan hit Willie Wilson with a pitch, one inning after he and Wilson Taylor Rogers Jersey shouted at each other after Wilsons triple. After Ryan hit Wilson, the benches cleared for 10 minutes and Ryan was ultimately ejected from the game.Aug. 6, 2001: The Rangers recorded their third triple play in team history. Against Boston, Rangers pitcher Rob Bell allowed two runners on base before he got Scott Hatteberg to line out to Rangers shortstop Alex Rodriguez. He then to sed the ball to second baseman Randy Velarde, who doubled up the runner at second. Velarde then tagged out the runner coming from first base to complete the triple play. Boston ultimately won the game, 10-7.Aug. 6, 2005: The Rangers retired the No. 26 of late manager Johnny Oates in an on-field ceremony. Oates won 506 games as the Rangers skipper and led the franchise to its first three American League West titles in 1996, 1998 and 1999. Oates is a member of the Rangers Hall of Fame and pa sed Willians Astudillo Jersey away in 2004. More From SI's :

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