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2022 MLB All-Star Game Preview The Guard

1 Anno 5 Mesi fa #210418 da lovelystyle
Guardians fans probably expected to watch Jose Ramirez in All-Star Game before the season started. He has been Akiem Hicks Jersey the best third baseman in baseball for the last few seasons. He will play in the All-Star Game, but isn't the representative from Cleveland that is starting.That honor goes to Andres Gimenez. Combine that with the best closer in the American League in Emmanuel Clase, and that gives the Guardians a chance to make the most significant impact out of any team.That sure does have a nice ring to it.Gimenez will get the start at second base for the American League. He will also bat eighth in the lineup behind Tim Anderson and in front of Alejandro Kirk. Gimenez has hit in the middle-back of the lineup for the Guardians all season and has grown comfortable in that position.He's started to get the nickname Sherrick McManis Jersey Captain Clutch because of how well he hits with runners in scoring position. He is batting .384 with 39 RBI in this situation.This is the All-Star game so saying there will be runners on when Gimenez gets his first at-bat is a pretty safe a sumption. This gives him a great opportunity to hit some runs in for the American League.There is not much left to say about Jose Ramirez except that if you don't watch him play every day, as we lucky Guardians fans get to, then you don't know how important he is for a team. He is the heart and soul of the organization and has been a great leader for the young guys.If the team needs a home run, you know bro. If the team needs a base hit, Jose is on it. If the pitcher needs a spectacular play at third to get out of an inning, Ramirez is there.Even though Ramirez won't be starting, he will still get his chance to influence the game Trey Burton Jersey whenever that time comes.Emmanuel Clase was selected to the All-Star team for a good reason. He has 19 saves which are the most in the AL, so who else would Dusty Baker put out there to finish off the game?Scroll to ContinueClase and his 100 mph slider have been so succe sful at finishing off games for the Guardians all year. He certainly could do the same thing here.All the action will get started tonight at 7:00 on FOX with the first pitch at 8:00 pm EST.
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