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Tob Gun Bore Snake Cleaning Brush For Sale Toronto

2 Anni 6 Mesi fa #81630 da xiaoshuiguai
Tob Gun Bore Snake Cleaning Brush For Sale Toronto Tob outdoors shop sell Gun Bore Snake Cleaning Brush,gun cleaning tool,gun cases,gun sling,shooting target,hunting bags, Hunting Gear For Sale .

[INGENIOUS CONSTRUCTION] Shotgun rope cleaner with a bronze brush to remove fouling

[3-in-1] Shotgun Rope cleaner for .30cal, 3-in1 kit bronze brush with string & patch holder/screw lock & gun cleaning rope.
Braided rope to clean fouling away

Shooting Targets Toronto

[CIRCULAR RUNNING] Besides the same functions as other rope cleaners, its circular running makes cleaning more convenient and effective for you get a circle device once you have fed in the bore , no need to repeat the action every time.

Gun Cleaning Bore Snake

[SUPER CLEAN] The synthetic fabric rope with brush can help you clean the bore quickly and thoroughly.

[CALIBER NUMBERS]The caliber number is showed on the tip clearly.

paper shooting targets Toronto

Works really well. The easiest way to clean your long gun barrels. Better than a cleaning wand as it doesn't touch the end of the bore. Pulls through. Like using a hundred patches in one run through. Plus you get 2 in the package. Great value.

gun sling Canada

These puppies work wonderfully during barrel break-in. Solvent at the front, a dab of barrel conditioner at the back and the built-in quasi-brush in the middle makes a clean after every shot a utter snap. I keep one for every caliber I break-in and keep them separate from the ones I use to deep-clean with. They wash up fine in a bucket with your other cleaning rags and such.

An excellent product! Faster, cheaper and far superior to patch cleaning. I was just about to order another set when I noticed they are sold out.

Again truely amazing and effective product. Don't know why I resisted buying this type of snake type bore cleaner but I am a convert. Matter of fact the quality is so good I'm going to buy one of these for every caliber firearm I own and never look at another darn patch again.

ordered these for my .350 legend. Of course they are easy to use and work great. little cleaning solution on them and the bristles do a nice job on the bore (these are really close to the other name brand ones i have at less then half the cost)

I use it on my 50 Cal black powder rifle and it's a perfect fit.

I used the 30 cal snake in combination with Turtle Wax chrome polish and Flitz to clean a bore that simply would not come clean by standard methods.

It is an EXTREMELY good addition to any cleaning setup/system and I will be adding ALL calibers that I need to clean in short order.

These are a snap. just open your slide and spray the top part with bristles with cleaner and the bottom with oil lightly!! Run it through a few times and it's clean.

This was just what I was looking for. I was very happy with the quality and cost of the product. I strongly recommend this to anyone.

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