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Does the username ever work?

3 Anni 4 Mesi fa #8607 da Megaomgchen
Since 2k is attempting to finesse ppl to NBA 2K21 Mt spend extra cash for a sport that is gonna be the same as 2k20... I'd rather stick wit my elite 2k20 account til next gen with gym rat and all my maxed builds rather than start over at rookie for 4 weeks and then just begin at novice again on next gen lol. Also maybe if they see their earnings are shit they'll fix up (even tho this won't be true cuZ many ppl will still buy it), but unless they do something drastic I'm not paying extra to get a game I will barely even play for a few months when I already have pretty much the EXACT same match

The dearth of fresh interfaces, options, and construct layout are my qualms. I do not care too much how the game appears graphically. I want new menus, interfaces, build choices, better gameplay... that kinda thing. Take out expert two spam, post scoring cheese on 100% contested shots, godly screens where pickdodger does nothing. So many straightforward things could be added and removed to impress me but nope.

They aren't releasing any information regarding the other styles. If they're ready, they would have teased them months prior to not 2 months prior to the games release.What's the purpose of calling them outside after the games launch anyhow? Everyone's attention is going to be focused into enjoying the sport they overpaid for and also the anticipation of the next gen 2k21.

Exactly, the one I created came with the badge split of 1/27/21/8. I intend on using it as the two guard for 3's and ProAm. I played going down since it can eventually speedboost (gym rat or 96 overall).Yeah and 27 badges is similar to pure sharps 30 from last year when quickdraw is eliminated. Insert in floor general/dimer and you are reay difficult to miss.

Yeah I played with a few similar shooting builds to test badges a few. I just tried the elastic release once and obtained a similar thing. That game I was trying the shot stick more. I'm awaiting 2kLab's badge analyzing. If shooting will demand high stats (via Mike Wang's tweet), then I'm wondering if they buffed the badges.Dunno in the event that you played shooter in demo but for me every slightly early/late shot triggered elastic release. Not sure if it is a bug, or they buffed badge. Either way fine way to cheap mt nba 2k21 spend few extra badges.

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